AGREEMENT lease vehicle between DOO KRISTINA (the Lessor) and the customer (Lessee) the lessor and the lessee. next, as joint reference or separately referred to as The image.

PARAGRAPH 1 in accordance with the terms of this agreement (hereinafter Agreement) the landlord gives the tenant paid the vehicle described in this Treaty, the temporary possession and use at a price specified in the current price list and this Treaty.

PARAGRAPH 2 in accordance with the terms of this agreement the tenant undertakes and confirms: acceptance of the prices specified in our price list and to the Treaty, as well as other terms of the contract; not under 21 years of age and have a valid driver’s licence for not under 2 years; the fact that the leased vehicle, secured all the necessary equipment and instruments; return of the leased vehicle in accordance with the terms of this agreement (valid 2 hours return delay, more than 2 hours to charge rent per day), or prior notice to the lessor; use of the leased vehicle for their own needs in accordance with the appointment of the rented vehicle, and the failure of the leased vehicle to any third party without the written consent of the lessor and the proper discharge of any third party, if the Landlord has the right to withdraw the leased vehicle from a tenant without refund. Just when did not respect the conditions for road traffic coming all costs damages caused to property of the lessor shall be borne by the person signing this agreement or the company that signed the Treaty; manage vehicle hired without exceeding the exemption limits the number of passengers and cargo carriage mass; Manage vehicle hired within the Republic of Montenegro and the intersection of territorial borders only with the written consent of the lessor; Do not use the leased vehicle in condition of alcohol, narcotic or toxic inebriation, for an offence (Commission of criminal acts, illegal border crossing, etc), for motosportivnyh activities, etc; The lessee has no right to disassemble and repair the car, and also has no right to any interference in the car and the additional equipment. In the event of a breach of the conditions provided for in this paragraph of the Treaty, the lessee undertakes to indemnify the lessor in full in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Montenegro.

PARAGRAPH 3 in accordance with the terms of this agreement the lessee undertakes to pay the landlord the rent for the use of the leased vehicle in the manner and under the conditions provided for in this Treaty and just make your deposit amount in the order and amount specified by the Treaty. The lessor shall bear the expenses related to the operation of the rented vehicle. The lessor does not reimburse the expenses associated with payment of ferries, tunnels, bridges, toll roads, parking lots, etc. Rent is paid in full by the lessee, the date of this agreement by the authorized representatives of the parties. When returning the rented vehicle previously specified in the contract period the lessee is obliged to notify the lessor at least 24 hours before the new date of return. If you do not comply with the terms of the lessee undertakes to pay the lessor an amount equivalent to the daily rent of the vehicle.  Mileage vehicle shall not exceed 200 (two hundred) miles per day. When the tenant pays the landlord the journey mileage in accordance with the tariff of 50 (fifty) euro cents per kilometre. Deposit is paid in full by the lessee euro-cents per 1 kilometre. Deposit is paid by the tenant in full on the day of signature of this Agreement by authorized parties.

PARAGRAPH 4. In accordance with the terms of this agreement, the following responsibilities: Arendatel′ is the rental price includes insurance liability for possible damage caused to the rented vehicle is not the fault of third parties, subject to the provisions set forth hereinafter. Compulsory insurance provides compensation in the amount exceeding EUR 200 (two hundred) rented vehicle, caused by no fault of the tenant, subject to the proper discharge of harm to the public authorities of the country hosting the rented vehicle was damaged (the police). In case of fault of the lessee (traffic) the obligation to compensate damage caused to the rented vehicle, the Renter of the vehicle. The extent of the damage is determined on the basis of the findings of an independent appraiser. Damages in the amount of 100% of the purchase price of the rented vehicle in case of theft and transport sredstvabez original key, provided the original CTS, a corresponding statement treated the public authorities in the country has been committed the hijacking of the leased vehicle and design a protocol. When non-compliance with these terms, the obligation to compensate for the damage suffered and his vehicle to the lessor, the lessee.  In case the original keys or documents from the rented vehicle is 1000 euro fine. For lost keys or documents on a scooter, a fine of 200 euros.  Insurance does not provide insurance against damage caused to the rented vehicle as a result of Lessee in condition of alcohol, narcotic or toxic inebriation, leased a vehicle without a valid driving licence, as well as if in a rented vehicle, a large number of passengersthe relevant documents on the rented vehicle. The lessee will offset 100% of the damage caused to the rented vehicle, due to puncture tires, wheels and additional equipment.

PARAGRAPH 5 during the term of the lease, the lessor is not liable for infringement Tenant requirements of normative legal acts of the Republic of Montenegro.

PARAGRAPH 6, all disputes and differences that may arise during the execution of this agreement, the Parties shall endeavour to settle by negotiation.  In case of not reaching a compromise, within one month after the dispute arises, the dispute will be reviewed by a competent court of the Republic of Montenegro.

PARAGRAPH 7 of this Treaty shall enter into force on the date of signature by the authorized representatives of the parties and remain in force until full implementation By all its obligations under this Treaty.

PARAGRAPH 8, any changes, amendments and annexes to this Agreement shall be valid only if they are committed in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.

PARAGRAPH 9 of the present agreement is drawn up in duplicate in English (English) and Montenegrin languages. Original Treaty remains with the Lessor, the lessee a copy is available. If necessary, interpretation of the provisions of this Treaty, the text of the Treaty in the Montenegrin language shall prevail.